Friday, March 1, 2013

Back to Running

Welcome to my first running blog.  It has been almost a year since I had two knee surgeries (yes, two of them).  While I may not run the same or faster than I did before, it feels great to be back out there running.  Unfortunately, I am getting older and while surgery does correct a problem, it never heals it completely, and I will always have the aches, pains, and some discomfort after my morning runs, nothing that an ice pack can't remedy.

Before all of this happened to me, I had done a few 5K/10K road races in the area, and did three half marathons (22011 and 2012 New Bedfford Half Marathon, and 2012 ING Miami Half Marathon).

My addiction to running began almost five years ago, when I went on the South Beach Diet, and I had lost close to 40 pounds.  I weighed in at 225 pounds, now I'm at 185 at the time of this post, and looking to lose at least 10 more pounds, so I can become a little faster.  My plan is get back into my presurgery running form by training this April for the Bay State Half Marathon this October in Lowell, MA.  My goal is to do my first marathon at the 2015 ING Miami Marathon.

Running is my salvation, and I will prevail in the end.

Rick Mahoney
March 1, 2013

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